Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Happy Birthday,owodog!

生日快乐!已经26岁了。祝你的人气一直都很旺,旺,旺。也祝棒棒堂红遍全亚洲。丐帮少帮主-洪十八一定行的,加油!(记得你说过要买房子给你妈的,所以赶紧去完成吧! 不然阿纬就长不高了。haha!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back to home

already back to home, so tired but very happy to celebrate Deepavali at Genting. It is fun and I have a lot of prizes from playing games at the themes park. I have good holiday at there, I hope you all also have a good holiday!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Go to genting

Yeah! I want to go to Genting tonight. so exciting! Hope it will be a good trip 4 my holiday! after going Genting , I already invite my friends go to the new-openly Jaya Jusco at BM. This will be the last trip with friends at the form 3 memory. Hope it will be good. 2moro also is Hari Deepavali , so I at here to wish all of you "Happy Deepavali". and happy everyday.

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Yeah! 快放假了!
